I hope that the brief information on this web site has piqued your interest, If so, feel free to contact me today for an initial chat.
We would soon discover whether there is the basis to publish a book which tells the story you want to tell, which reflects well on your company and on the team of people who lead it today … and on you personally.
Corporate histories and biographies are vital public relations and marketing tools, and also a key factor in attracting high-calibre employees.
Perhaps you need some additional information? Well, my free book answers about 96.5% of the questions that most people in your position ask.
Academic Endorsement
John T. Seaman Jr and George David Smith declared a company's history to be a leadership tool.
Great leaders … don't ignore history until the time comes to plan their organization's next anniversary. And though they may not view themselves as historians, they find it useful to think and talk about the past – in the present and in living color.
They make their companies' collective experience an explicit part of their thinking in order to better discern what form change can and should take. They find in it a rich source of stories that can motivate people to embrace change even in the worst of times.
In doing so, they don't simply manage their companies more effectively; they find their own place in history.
(Harvard Business Review December 2012)